Photo by Ron Lach

The importance of teaching children about recycling can help save the planet.

Teaching children about recycling is an essential concept that adults can introduce to children. Recycling raises children’s awareness and appreciation of the planet Earth. Moreover, recycling encourages children to be responsible individuals.

Dora Przybylek is an award-winning Peruvian author, poet, and screenwriter. Dora is the author of the children’s book, “Luisita is Sick / Luisita está Enferma,” and several award-winning children’s books, including “Luisita Travels/Luisita Viaja” and “Luisita Rides Her Bike/Luisita Monta en Bicicleta.”

Dora Przybylek’s children’s book, “Luisita Recycles / Luisita, Recicla,” is a part of the Luisita series and is written in Spanish and English. “Luisita Recycles” is a recycling storybook for kids. Luisita learns an important lesson about caring for the planet in this book by recycling plastic, cardboard items, and many more. Young readers can follow Luisita in one of her many adventures and learnings. This book shows how Luisita is surprised to know what she can contribute to the world, and that is by protecting it. Luisita offers young readers the joy of recycling and being responsible.

Climate Change

Currently, Earth has more waste than it can handle. People are facing climate change and environmental catastrophes. For years, the world has been facing multiple issues, and one of the most significant issues is climate change. According to a recent study by Save the Children, kids today will be the most affected by climate change as they will face extreme weather conditions compared to other generations. Heatwaves, river floods, crop failures, wildfires, and many upcoming natural disasters characterize these weather conditions.

The good news is adults can teach children about recycling. Climate education also has the potential to reduce future carbon emissions. Making children aware of the planet’s condition can be a powerful tool for change. Adults can introduce the three R’s of waste management to children. Additionally, not only do the children need to be educated about waste management, but everyone in all age groups needs to be reminded of this daily responsibility.


The first R in waste management is Reduce. Reducing means cutting back on the amount of waste thrown every day. Adults can teach children to use tote bags for grocery shopping instead of plastic bags, reusable water bottles instead of bottled water, or pack lunch in a lunchbox instead of paper or plastic bags. ‘Reduce” begins with evaluating everyday objects and their purpose, for example, choosing what to buy depending on its reusability or purchasing something multipurpose. So instead of buying multiple things, one can reduce the amount of production and the amount of waste packaging material.


The second R in waste management is Reuse. Parents and adults can teach children to reuse by finding a new use for an old item. Teaching children to take care of their things and use it as long as possible will reduce the number of products or objects bought. Upcycling and craft projects are becoming more popular over the internet. With the younger generation’s growing interest in social media and the internet in general, it is better to encourage children to lean toward the educational side of the internet. One thing parents can promote in the household is by using hand-me-downs from an elder sibling to a younger sibling to reduce waste and expenses. Additionally, children can practice donating things they are no longer using, such as old toys, clothes, and books.


The third R in waste management is Recycle. Recycling is transforming a product to create or reshape a new item. Children need to be taught about what items cannot be recycled and what can be recycled. Adults can teach children to organize and label the trash bin to differentiate between biodegradable, non-biodegradable, and recyclable. Recyclable items include paper, plastics, cardboard, glass, and many more things that can be recycled. Children are naturally creative and curious. They will become future creators or inventors if given the opportunity, support, and direction. Recycling materials can enhance children’s creativity and resourcefulness. Through recycling, children exercise their creativity by creating collages, miniatures, and even sculptures.

Teaching children the recycling and its importance in battling climate change will raise the child’s awareness. Recycling can also teach children sustainability and respect for their environment.

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