Having a disability can make life more challenging, but these remarkable people with disabilities made the most of life.
Numerous remarkable people with disabilities made a mark on history despite their disability. Having a disability can make you lose parts of who you are. You might wonder about yourself, your importance, and where you belong in society. It can make you feel not needed and sad, especially if you can do the same things as before. That’sThat’s why finding new things that make you happy and proud of yourself is significant. These things can help you feel like your life has purpose and meaning again.
Having an unexpected disability can be overwhelming. So, if you suddenly get sick or hurt and can’t do things like before, it can make you feel worried and scared. You might think about how you’ll do your job, have good relationships, or be happy. But even though having a disability is hard, it doesn’t mean something terrible has happened. And you’re not the only one. Many people have been in this situation before, and they have found ways to get through it and do really well. You can do well too.
“Luisita is Sick / Luisita está enferma” is a children’s book with disabled characters. The story is about Luisita, a young girl who has cancer. She learns about her illness with the help of her mom, doctors, kind friends, and caring nurses. This particular book has won multiple awards. It helps kids deal with being sick and has great stories that make you feel hopeful and happy.
Remarkable People with Disabilities
Stephen Hawking
Stephen Hawking was a famous scientist. He got sick with ALS when he was 21 years old. As he got older, he talked using a computer. He also used a unique chair to move around. He studied the universe, primarily how gravity and tiny particles work. Many people who didn’t-didn’t know much about science liked his explanations. He was so famous that he even appeared on TV shows like The Simpsons and Star Trek. His book, A Brief History of Time, was loved by many people and stayed on a list of popular books for a long time – 237 weeks!
Stevie Wonder
Stevie Wonder, a very famous musician, and songwriter, was born unable to see because he was born too early and his eyes didn’tdidn’t develop properly. When he was just 11 years old, he started making music for a record company called Motown’sMotown’s Tamla Label, and he has been performing ever since. During his impressive music career, Stevie made over 30 songs that became very popular in America. Some of these songs are “Superstition,” Sir Duke,” and “I Just Called to Say I Love You.”
Nick Vujicic
Nick Vujicic was born in Melbourne, Australia, on 4 December 1982. He was born with a rare condition called phocomelia, meaning he didn’t have arms and legs. Even though it was very tough, Nick didn’tdidn’t give up. He finished school at Griffith University when he was 21. He married Kanae Miyahara on 12 February 2012, and they have four children now. Nick is very well-known all around the world for giving people motivation and hope. He started something called “Attitude is Altitude.” Because of his strong determination, Nick is easily one of the most famous people with disabilities.
Peter Dinklage
Peter Dinklage was born on 11 June 1969 in Mendham Township, New Jersey, United States. He has a condition called achondroplasia, a common type of dwarfism. He is 4 feet 5 inches tall (135 cm). He became an actor in Hollywood, doing both TV shows and movies. One of his most famous roles is as Lord Tyrion Lannister on the TV show Game of Thrones from 2011 to 2019. Because of his superb acting, Peter Dinklage won the Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Supporting Actor in a Drama Series four times. He also got a Golden Globe award and many other prizes and honors.
Frida Kahlo
Frida Kahlo, a famous artist from Mexico, is one of the most prominent artists from the 1900s. She had a disability because she had polio when she was six, and later she had an accident with a trolley as a teenager. Frida is most famous for taking pictures of herself. Her relationship and marriages with another renowned Mexican artist, Diego Rivera, are also well-known. But people also think a lot about the questions her art asks about who people are, how history has affected them, things like being a boy or a girl, how much money they have, and their race in Mexican society.