by Dora Przybylek | Aug 11, 2023 | Children with cancer, Children's Book, Parenting
Photo by RUN 4 FFWPU Having a disability can make life more challenging, but these remarkable people with disabilities made the most of life. Numerous remarkable people with disabilities made a mark on history despite their disability. Having a disability can...
by Dora Przybylek | Jun 23, 2023 | Children with cancer, Children's Book, Parenting
Photo by Ron Lach Every child is special, and each deserves a meaningful life. Children with cancer should be given extra love, care, and attention. Informing the news of a cancer diagnosis to a child is a delicate and sensitive process. Children with...
by Blog Contributor | Jan 22, 2023 | Children's Book
Photo by MART PRODUCTION Cancer is something that no one saw coming – especially when it’s a child who’s been dealt with such life-threatening illnesses. The first few weeks are the most critical and dreadful. How will parents deal with the diagnosis the...
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